Recent content by mike90

  1. M

    Creative Elements gallery and WebRotate360

    .elementor-main-swiper .swiper-slide:nth-child(2) "In Popup: no" No effect .elementor-main-swiper .swiper-slide:nth-child(2) "In Popup: yes" Second image replaced by 360image but the image in the slider remains unchanged (it does not change to a 360 icon)...
  2. M

    Creative Elements gallery and WebRotate360

    I added 360 graphics as you asked. The only thing I managed to achieve recently is that if I put the ".swiper-slide-next" class in the "placeholder" field, the second image always changes into a 360 image, but it only works when the "In Popup: yes" option is selected. I'm starting to think that...
  3. M

    Creative Elements gallery and WebRotate360

    If I understand correctly, no. I can add a css class but only to the entire module. I can't do this for individual elements.
  4. M

    Creative Elements gallery and WebRotate360

    Hi, here is a sample product page created in Creative Elements. And this is how I would like it to look like in the end -> Image1
  5. M

    Creative Elements gallery and WebRotate360

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to place a 360 product photo in a product gallery created using "Creative Elements" module. I'm using Presta version 8.1.7 and the Classic theme. I know that I should put the proper CSS class name in the "Placeholder" field in the module settings, but my knowledge of...