Images disappear


New member
Thanks for the great extension :) I almost got it working using your guide but as soon as I start dragging images, they disappear. Can you help?


Active member

It's likely that you added the webrotate include scripts (javascript / css) twice under your site settings under Squarespace Home -> Settings -> Advanced -> Code Injection and on your actual page under page's Settings -> Advanced -> Page Header. If so, you can just remove them from the page settings and it should work fine then.

I hope it helps! Just let us know.


New member
I've carefully followed your instructions for embedding into a Squarepace page without success. The only difference seems to be that they've changed to a having a separate Embed Block. Double checked that the URL is correct, but no image appears.
Can you shed a little light on what might be going wrong please?


Active member
Hi Colin, we would be happy to assist. Please share a link to your Squarespace page with the 360 product view that doesn't work. You can either paste it here or send us a quick email to support at webrotate360 dot com.


Active member
Hi, can you please check your link as it currently says "We couldn't find the page you were looking for." ?