The image file names are fine with captial letters as far as i can see. It's the project names (I.E hyperlink to XML with captial letters in the name that seem to be failing). But they don't fail in every instance. I don't know the server type. I'll mail a link of a published version to the...
We can now upload the entire project, but there is another snag. There seems to be some problem with capital letters in the online version. AFAIK html should just ignore capital letters and read them as non-captial, but for some reason the file names(.xml) that have captial letters in them seem...
As the project is under NDA i can't share it as of now. I could probably delete/replace all the images with something else and send that. I was just wondering if this is a known issue/something common I'm doing wrong?
If not I'll try to upload something that has the error present.
We are on Webrotate 360 SpotEditor v3.6.5. Pro version.
I am currently in the middle of setting up a rather complex tour with lots of connected webrotate projects, and most things are going well. We use the responsive publish template, and "create extra set of small fitted images to show...