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  • F
    ForumAdmin reacted to donmono's post in the thread Change the color with Like Like.
    Hello, thanks for the guidance, now its works very nice Best Regards
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    Hello, thanks for the guidance, now its works very nice Best Regards
  • F
    ForumAdmin replied to the thread Change the color.
    Sorry, you have to remove the number too, i.e xxx here: ?t=xxx
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    here is the result after i deleted "?t="
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-08 at 05.52.35.png
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    ok i'm gonna delete them "?t="
  • F
    ForumAdmin replied to the thread Change the color.
    Please try removing ?t=xxx from the hyperlink URL in your screenshot.
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    Hello, here is the update that i'm already put the .xml as you told me, and i send also the screen shoot, then re-upload into pixriot...
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-07 at 08.57.39.png
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-07 at 08.58.20.png
  • F
    ForumAdmin replied to the thread Change the color.
    Thanks for the details. It looks like you are inserting Standalone URL into the hyperlink field. But for "reload" to work, it needs to...
    • 2024-11-06_7-54-08.png
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    Yes i paid the pixriot but then again it cannot succed, then I reuploaded each of them again with a hyperlink to each file, then after...
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-06 at 13.26.33.png
  • F
    ForumAdmin replied to the thread Change the color.
    Are you on a paid PixRiot plan? As it allows clearing the cache (see under Cache Reset here), so every time you re-upload the same 360...
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    I've tried it by using the hyperlink on pixriot, but the problem is, with 2 files uploaded on pixriot, each time the upload link changes...
  • F
    ForumAdmin reacted to donmono's post in the thread Change the color with Like Like.
    Thank you, I'm gonna tried, im gonna let you know if the thing work for my project best regards
  • D
    donmono replied to the thread Change the color.
    Thank you, I'm gonna tried, im gonna let you know if the thing work for my project best regards
  • F
    ForumAdmin replied to the thread Change the color.
    Hi there! There're two options: 1. Reload a 360 view with a different color using a hotspot Hyperlink action. - See page 26 in our user...
  • D
    I need information about this, how can I do it? change the color of the product according to the sample photo that I have submitted...
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-04 at 14.25.10.png
    • Screen Shot 2024-11-04 at 14.25.19.png