Basic MacOS shortcuts


New member
Hi, we have been using Webrotate software since 2019 on Windows but the time has come to switch to macOS for the reason that our entire studio is moving to iMacs. Most of the programs we have been using for a long time are supported (basic keyboard shortcuts) and your program is not. Ever since the changlog posted information regarding the support of version 12.6 we have been waiting and waiting for the shortcuts to finally work. Every day we do 360 degrees of 300 products even more and clicking the right mouse button is terribly cumbersome so please do such a small yet basic thing as adding only two shortcuts CMD+C, CMD+V for macOS version Sonoma. We will be extremely grateful for the help received :)
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Staff member
Thanks for your feedback! We know the pain... but the issue has been the underlying component we use on macOS that doesn't support the shortcuts so it's not very easy to add. Couple of things:

1) Where do you see the most use of the shortcuts?

2) Would templates help in your scenario?



New member
Yes we are using templates from previous project created same day also we are using unique files names which we copy from folder with these products. Each product is another project