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  1. P

    Having trouble getting started with ie7, ie8?

    I'm using SWFObject v2.2 and using following configuration xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <config> <settings> <preloader image="images/Filename_34.jpg" /> <userInterface showZoomButtons="true" showToolTips="true" showHotspotsButton="true" showFullScreenButton="true"...
  2. P

    Having trouble getting started with ie7, ie8?

    Having trouble getting started with ie7, ie8? 1. The viewer not loading properly 2. Image not rotating in proper manner 3. Logo image under the webrotator section is not showing in proper manner Reply ASAP!!!!
  3. P

    Webrotator 360 product viewer not working properly with MVC4

    It worked fine except IE9. So let me know how to set lowest z-index of webrotate 360 product viewer. In imagerotator.js file at the three places z-index value is assigned when I'm changing it then it would have not work.
  4. P

    Webrotator 360 product viewer not working properly with MVC4

    Hi, Code which I've written for adding Webrotator 360 product viewer: <div id="content"> <div id="wr360PlayerId" class="wr360_player"> </div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">...
  5. P

    Webrotator 360 product viewer not working properly with MVC4

    Hi Everyone, I'm new user of WebRotator 360 product. I've download it and embedding with my MVC4 Razor website but the product viewer visible always top even I've set z-index value is greater than product viewer (webrotator 360 product) z-index. can you tell me how to resolve this problem...