Combining 2 Turntables?


New member
Sorry if I did not find the post which answers my question.

I would like to have like 50 images as intro before my spinning turntable with another 50 images.
Is it possible to accomplish this with webrotate360?
I tried play to label and it stops after 50 images. So far so good. But if the user is interacting with the next 50 images he can also scrub the first 50 frames.
But they should not be part of the "interactive" turntable.
Is this possible withing the software or only by calling a different project (html) via hotspot?

many thanks


Staff member
I think it should be possible using rows. One row would be the intro and once it plays to a label (last frame in the intro row) on landing it can auto trigger an invisible hotspot that will trigger jumping to a label in the second row. You can disable vertical drag via Y-axis sensitivity slider under Rotation tab.

PS: or you may just play to label in the second row (first frame) and skip invisible hotspots...
