I can´t embebed my project


New member

I put the code in a correct form, but they don´t work.

Can you help me?

Maybe´re something wrong:

<!DOCTYPE html>

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<div class="container full header">
<div class="container main">
<div class="container eight center">
<a class="" href="http://www.mapi.uy/" ><img src="/prueba/dyd/logodyd.jpg" alt="" width="150"></a>

<div id="content">
<div id="wr360PlayerId" class="wr360_player" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">
<p class="gray center">Arrastre la imagen para girar el producto.</p>

<h2 class="gray center">GALERÍA</h2>
<tr center>
<a href="/prueba/cocot/index.html"> <img src="/prueba/dyd/IMGP1434.jpg" style="width: 155px; height: 188px;";></a>
<a href="/prueba/cocot/x/2/index.html"> <img src="/prueba/dyd/IMGP1668.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;";></a>
<a href="/prueba/cocot/x/2/index.html"> <img src="/prueba/dyd/IMGP1973.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;";></a>
<a href="/prueba/cocot/x/2/index.html"> <img src="/prueba/dyd/IMGP2036.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;";></a>
<p class="gray center">Haga click arriba de la imagen para ver el 360.</p>



licenseFileURL : "license.lic",
configFileURL : "/prueba/calzadocarolina/360_assets/1/1.xml",
graphicsPath : "imagerotator/html/img/basic",
zIndexLayersOn : true,
responsiveBaseWidth : 774

speed: 500, // Integer. How fast to complete the scroll in milliseconds
easing: 'easeInOutCubic', // Easing pattern to use
updateURL: true, // Boolean. Whether or not to update the URL with the anchor hash on scroll
offset: 70, // Integer. How far to offset the scrolling anchor location in pixels
callbackBefore: function ( toggle, anchor ) {}, // Function to run before scrolling
callbackAfter: function ( toggle, anchor ) {} // Function to run after scrolling



Thank you!