Magento problems when using hot-spots


New member
I`m using Magento 1.8.1 and WebRotate360 3.5.4.
I have problems with hotspots especialy in IE (8.0.6).
In Internet Explorer the hot-spot`s position and synchronization with images is wrong for Magento but it`s ok on the html page exported from Hot-spots editor.

In Chrome (34.0.18) I have 2 errors:
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
13:48:18.618 INFO Powered by WebRotate 360 © ~ v3.5 (build pub) VM39:1

XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

First time I had problems with loading images on playback, the hot-spots will rotate with a static background. Strange, now everything works fine without any changes.

In Firefox (28.0) everything is fine but in DOM inspector (Firebug) I have an error :
Error: "throw $continue" is deprecated, use "return" instead

This is happening only when the WebRotate is integrated into Magento.
If I open the simple html page with WebRotate exported from HotSpots editor everything works fine in all browsers.
The link with the problem:

For another page it`s working fine in all browsers (including IE) when viewing but with the same inspector errors:

Best regards Mihai


Active member
Hi Mihai, thanks for contacting us here!

Couple of points:

- Only one of those console messages you copied from chrome dev tools is an actual error (XMLHttpRequest cannot load) in that the browser can't load a file from our server. This is minor and expected in certain browsers, and can be only reproduced in the free version of the WebRotate 360 Product Viewer. In other words it's not affecting the hot-spots or anything else for that matter. BTW: the one from your Firebug which I don't see in my firebug / FF28 when testing your samples is not ours as we don't use this statement anywhere (i.e. throw $continue).

- Unfortunately, we do not provide much free support any longer for Internet Explorer 8 as it's 5 years old now and many large companies including Google, Twitter, etc stopped actively supporting it almost a year ago. But what you described there sounds like a known issue with the image caching by IE8. It can be that your .htaccess doesn't instruct your web server to send HTTP headers to request browsers to cache images or it's being interpreted differently by IE8 and it releases the images quickly (doesn't cache them which is otherwise desired for pretty much any live ecommerce website). So once you start dragging the images, they are being re-loaded one by one from your server again and again while hot-spot indicators move faster as expected. This is described in more details in this post below (it's about Chrome but likely will apply to your issue as well).



New member
In IE 11 works fine.
The modified .htaccess file must be in the same folder with images or xml file or both?

<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=172800, public"
ExpiresDefault "access plus 2 months"

Header unset ETag
FileETag None

<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$">
Header unset Last-Modified


New member
This is entirely strange.
After some days everything it`s working fine in all the browsers including IE8 - no modifications.
I think the problem is related to the browser cache and the solution is Cache Management in Magento.