Save my css customization in SpotEditor


New member
Hi :) I use spotEditor to create my views and all is fine (great tool!), but I also need to make minor changes to the html and css of the final output before delivering to my client. I just don't want to makes these changes every time I publish a 360 view -I have almost 100 products to go through :mrgreen:

Is there something I can do to keep my customizations and have them reproduced every time I publish a new 360 view?


Active member
Hi Steve, this can be quickly done by copying your edited files (style css, button pngs or any extra files you might have) into corresponding folders inside located in your Sport Editor installation folder. This zip gets extracted every time you publish your product view and all included files are copied into your destination folder.

Likewise, you can also apply your html modifications into sample.html located in the same installation folder (C:/Programe Files (x86)/WebRotate 360/SpotEditor on Windows) which serves as a template during publishing so all your edits in this file would be carried over to your published views.

And last but not least, you can change config.xml located in the root of the installation folder if you need to keep certain xml defaults when you start a new project in Spot Editor.