Vimeo and YouTube


New member
Hi there,
I'm currently trying to embed videos in the hotspots, but I can't make it work reliably. Do you have any advice on how I can succesfully embed a Vimeo or YouTube video in one of the hotspots? I saw an earlier post, that it was an upcoming feature in v3.5, but I can't seem to find that option.



Active member
Hi there!

Sorry, this feature didn't make it to 3.5 and there's no reliable way to embed a video inside a hotspot yet, primarily because there's no easy way to stop video when hotspot is deactivated (video will still continue playing..).

We're gearing up to release 3.6 later this month or early March with support for 3D / multi-row rotation and a couple more nice features - will see if we could add some support for reliable video playback as well.