WP fullscreen small bug


New member
Hi there,

on my 360°photo wp test page doesnt work full-screen button. IE, Chrome, Iphone 5 (chrome) - nothing. Im PRO user, 360 template - standard, i use webrotate wp plugin (2.5.1), wordpress 4.1 and embedded shortcode.


Any idea? Many thanks, David.


New member
Ha, it works. Thanks. And what about fullscreen on phone? It requires Mobile full page or Responsive teplates? Or its useless fuction and webrotate adapts to phone screen automatically?


Active member
No problem! :)

The plugin for WordPress doesn't rely on the templates created inside the software (you don't need to upload them as we only use files created by SpotEditor inside published/360_assets). So the full-screen button will just work on mobile. The templates can be useful if you want to implement some sort of custom integration..

Also if your WordPress theme is responsive and you configure the embed shortcode accordingly (i.e relative width via % and the basewidth parameter if height needs to scale as well) the viewer will adjust accordingly. Popup shortcode also will rescale itself to fit a mobile screen.