3D renderings / order


New member
I'm playing around with the demo and I'm trying to figure out how to get my 3d renders setup correctly. I'm using the VR sphere render script to setup the camera steps. I set it to 7 rows and 40 images. This renders a sequence from frame 0 to 279. How does your software know the order when I import? Do I have to manually move them around so the software knows which images to use?


Active member
Hi, we just load all rendered 3d product images inside the folder you specify (280 in your case I guess), then we order them by the number attached at the end of the image file name, and finally we divide the total number of loaded images by the number of rows you specify on the new project form (at the bottom). This gives us the allocation of images per row.

So in the perfect world your render script would just put all images into a single folder and append a sequential number to the filenames on each image render.

I hope this makes sense. Just let us know if any questions!