Addon for Prestashop


Active member
Hi Kirk, we had to update it to work with 1.5 as it was just released and didn't work as-is with our extension. Please give us till Friday to finalize some documentation and finally release it - we will post a download link here first with instructions.


New member
Hello !
I was working with drupal , but since drupal isnt supported , I was trying with prestashop , I follow each step as the guide says , but ...:

1: If I put a wrong directions (path) for the xml flash I got an error ..obvious ...
2: If everything is ok ... I dont see a thing ...i mean ... prestashop works fantastic , but webrotate360 is invisible , no popup , no error , no message , no new window , no warning , nothing , so if everything is correctly configurated ...nothing happens ... any help or explanation about what to do here ? , I am the only one with the problem? I am working with prestashop 1.5.2

by the way I am working locally as localhost , config url was added like this : http://localhost/prestashop/360assets/s ... config.xml I tried with absolute path , etc etc , but I got the same result


Active member
Hi there,

The viewer is probably working fine but its size is too small - most likely since you are using 1.5.2, #image-block in your theme doesn't have fixed width and height styles (previously it had fixed size by default in 1.4.x). We use its dimensions to stretch the 360 viewer if you haven't explicitly set it in the Admin.

To resolve this, you would just need to either update your css for #image-block and set fixed width and height there, or go to WebRotate 360 module settings in the Admin, and set the viewer width and height there. We have a note for this in the pdf doc in the link above on the second page under Step3. I hope this works!


Active member

Have you had a chance to go through the Prestashop 1.5 comments in the following blog post? If it still doesn't work for you, please let us know more details as to what happens when you try to install the module using the guide: ... eased.aspx

PS: there have been a few folks who installed it recently in Prestashop 1.5.x using the post in this link.


Active member
Hi, thanks for the screenshots. Not sure what's going on..

We would need PS admin / ftp login to assist with this. You can send it to support at webrotate360 dot com.