Duplicating hotspots


New member

I am working with the web rotation service and found a bug which I can't explain or even understand why this is happening.

This is the xml file which is being generated
    <userInterface viewerHint="" toolbarAlpha="1" showArrows="true" showToolTips="true" toolbarPosition="1" toolbarBackAlpha="0" toolbarAlign="center" showZoomButtons="true" toolbarAutohide="false" showHotspotsButton="true" showProgressNumbers="true" toolbarForeColor="#A7A9AE" showFullScreenButton="true" toolbarHoverColor="#808285" showTogglePlayButton="true" showFullScreenToolbar="true" fullScreenBackColor="#FFFFFF" toolbarBackColor="transparent" customCursorClass="default_cursor" />
    <control zoomSteps="1" zoomSpeed="300" dragSpeed="0.13" rowSensitivity="15" dragSensitivity="10" mouseWheelDrag="true" mouseHoverDrag="false" pauseOnPreload="false" singleClickZooms="true" doubleClickZooms="false" hideHotspotsOnZoom="true" hideHotspotsOnLoad="false" inBrowserFullScreen="false" disableMouseControl="false" resumePreloadOnHover="false" doubleClickFullscreen="true" mouseWheelDragZoomOnly="false" showHighresOnFullScreen="false" />
    <rotation rotate="once" firstImage="0" bounce="false" flipAxis="false" useInertia="true" bounceRows="false" rotateDirection="-1" forceDirection="false" inertiaTimeToStop="700" inertiaMaxInterval="120" flipVerticalInput="false" rowsOnSingleIndex="false" flipHorizontalInput="false" />
    <preloader image="/images-360/2522_112" />
    <hotspot id="213" renderMode="3" indicatorImage="assets/images/circ-cross-thin-blue.svg">
      <spotinfo src="/images-360/2522_4699-detail1" imgBkColor="#C0C0C0" lbxBackCover="true" css="color:#333333;width:100%;padding:15px 15px;border:1px solid #EEEEEE;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,1);" />
  <images rows="1">
    <image src="/images-360/2522_112">
      <hotspot source="213" offsetX="630" offsetY="881" />

As we can see, we have one picture and one hotspot but the resulting image is significantly different. The hotspot is multiplied across the whole picture.
This is the result-> https://ibb.co/SyhXJD6

Can you shed some light into this matter?

Looking forward for any kind of input



Active member
Hi, this has been reported a couple of times with some rare html layouts and we have released a fix for it in v3.6.4. See version history: "Fixed an issue with invalid SVG hotspot indicator position in rare HTML layouts."

Can you possibly share a link to your page with the issue so we can advise on how to resolve it? It could be an upgrade to the latest v3.6.4 script or it can be some issue with your CSS or javascript that overrides our hotspot automatic sizing.


New member

thank your for your reply.
I will try updating to the newest version today and hopefully the issue will be resolved.

If there is an issue with our CSS, what could be the cause of this?
Can you post some suggestions or maybe the root cause?

I know there could be a million different things that could break CSS but if you have some experience with other users,
any suggestion would be very appreciated.

Looking forward for your input



Active member
For example, if your CSS has some style that unintentionally overrides the size of the hotspot indicator div element, something like this would happen.. As our hotspot indicator class doesn't have background-repeat: no-repeat specified, it would lead to similar effects like in your screenshot. Although I suspect it's that bug we fixed.


New member

with the newest version the issue seems to be resolved.
No more duplicating hotspots so I would guess this is now ok.

Thank you for you time
