Fail Embeding


New member
I failed on embedding the plugin into my website.
I'm using Jimdo service for web builder, i use google cloud to store my resources.
The step i'm using is from Webly integration tutorial.
I enter the code on edit head on Jimdo. And put on the widget thingy.
But the google cloud part is confusing for me, i put my resources under "Storage" on google cloud and create a "bucket" in there.
I upload all the files (xml, images folder and published folder) in here.
But when i click the xml file on the storage, it open a new tab. It say "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." And under it there's a coding stuff.

Which part i did wrong?
I got 0 knowledge on coding. Please be patient with me.
Thank you so much



Active member
Hi Agustinus, can you please share a link to the page on your website where you added the scripts in the head of the page and the webrotate widget as per our Weebly instructions? The link you sent via email doesn't seem to have neither.