Full Size Popup


New member
I got the embed code to work on here - http://www.reactivsound.com/instinct
with code:
[wr360embed name="speaker1" width="100%" height="622px" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/360_assets/NewProject2/newproject2.xml"]

I'm trying to test out the popup with the following code:
[wr360popup name="speaker2" width="100%" height="800px" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/360_assets/NewProject2/newproject2.xml"] test text[/wr360popup]
Which can be viewed here - http://www.reactivsound.com/ourstory (the link is located right under the black and white photo) The problem is that in the popup the image viewer is really small and not even displaying properly.

Please let me know what I can do to fix it. Thanks


Active member
Hi there! You would need to give it a fixed width in the popup code. Please also remove px in the popup code so it may look like this:

[wr360popup name="speaker2" width="600" height="400" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/360_assets/NewProject2/newproject2.xml"] test text[/wr360popup]


New member
So I tried the follow code:

[wr360popup name="speaker2" width="1200" height="800" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/360_assets/NewProject2/newproject2.xml"] test text[/wr360popup]

It still is appearing small when the pop up appears. Maybe it's something with my wordpress theme. Please let me know if there is something I am still doing wrong. Thanks


Active member
Ah.. true. Your theme uses a different copy of prettyPhoto lightbox which overwrites some of our custom prettyPhoto code (we use it too). You can fix it quickly by going to this file:


and changing width and height in the embedded CSS to your preferred viewer dimensions when inside the popup:

margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 300px;
height: 300px;



New member
Is there a way with the paid version to make the popup full screen on activation.

So I click the image and the popup activates and goes directly to full screen rather than clicking the full screen icon.

Thank you in advance.


Active member
Hi, yes! Please see bullet 5:



New member
Nice thank you very much that answers everything. The company I'm working with will now be aiming for the paid version.
