Hotspot popup text box positioning


New member
I tried adding the XML script to change the positioning of a spot and that never did anything. But I had success changing the position of a popup text box for a spot via CSS (only when I had single hotspot) when I have more than one hotspot I can not target a specific hotspot because the ID for that spot change every time you load the page, is there anyways to get a unique ID for each hotspot popup box -- that stays same and doesnt change everytime you load?


Active member
Hi there! I'm not sure I understand completely. You would usually want to use the SpotEditor app (included with the free download) to position hot-spots which should correctly populate the xml. Configuring through CSS reliably will probably not work partly for the reason you mentioned as we have temp IDs. Please let us know what you are trying to achieve with a link to your test. Thanks!


New member
What we want to do is show the popup text box for a hotspot show up somewhat away from the spot and NOT directly over the hotspot. And I could not offset the textbox via XML.

Is there any ways to give a unique ID to the popup textbox (that will not change everytime you load)?


Active member
The positioning via the new xml attributes relies on script only, so as long as you copy imagerotator files from that 3.5 download to your current published imagerotator folder and then update hotspot xml per the notes in the link above all should be fine. You can as well updated your current SpotEditor to always use 3.5 script on publish via steps at the top of that 3.5 post above:

To apply this update to your existing SpotEditor installation just copy the contents of the SpotEditorUpdate folder that you can also find in the zip over the same files in your SpotEditor installation folder located under Program Files (x86)\WebRotate 360\SpotEditor on Windows. If you are on Mac, right click on the SpotEditor icon, then Show Package Contents and navigate to Contents->Resources and then copy the files from SpotEditorUpdate over the same files under Resources.


Active member
Please refresh your browser cache as looks good to me with the rollover showing in the top left corner.


New member
ah ok my bad I see it. So this will make the popup position based off top left corner right? so no matter where you rotate the box will show up in same spot... would be really nice if you guys could give a specific id to the popup that doesnt change cus then I can get CSS to position the box relative to the hotspot and make it move with the rotation.