How to get a transparent fade in?


New member
Are there any strategies for getting a transparent fade in, so that I don't get a border around the viewer when it fades in?

Changing backgrounds in one of the DIV to none?
Using transparent PNG for the webrotate images?


Active member
Hi Thomas, can you possibly attach a screenshot with the border you are referring to as I'm not 100% sure what you mean by the border. The only border I can think of can be removed in the embedded css styles I believe (if you are using 360 views that are auto-generated via SpotEditor as-is).


New member
What I meant was that I'm trying to find a way so that when the viewer fades in on load, the background of the viewer matches it's surrounding, so that it doesn't appear that a box is fading. I just want the object in the viewer to fade. I have a gradient background in both the viewer and the body background that I want to match.

I will run a few experiments, and I have a few ideas, I'll post results later.



New member
I deleted the white background in CSS

.wr360_player{ background: #fff; }

And then in the wrapper around the player, I put a matching background which is the same as the background in the images, so when it fades in, the background looks seamless instead of a glowing white box.