Icons customization, location on the server


New member

I have custom svg icons for 360 Viewer. I want them to be shown on my website instead of standard ones. Because SpotEditor doesn't have an option for replacing viewer's icons with custom ones, I'm exporting the project with standard icons and then replacing them manually in the folder \published\imagerotator\html\img\basic with my ones. Then I'm uploading the entire "published" folder on the server.

When I'm embedding the project using html-page genereted by SpotEditor, the custom icons are shown normally [link removed].

But the problem is - when I'm using with Webrotate plugin (the licence is activated) for Wordpress and embedding XML with shortcode, it shows only standard icons instead of custom ones (actually they even do not exist on the server).

The code I'm using:

[wr360embed name="view1" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/Telesno-olive/360_assets/telesno-olive/telesno-olive.xml"]

I cleaned cash everywhere - in Wordpress, server and browser, but no luck.
It seems like the plugin uses its own source of icons which I can't find on the server in "webrotate-360-product-viewer" plugin folder. How can I use custom icons witn shortcode embedding?

And also another question. I see that if I'm uploading the project folder outside of /wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer folder, the project embedded with shortcode is not working (I see empty white field without 360 Viewer). Once I put them in a standard plugin location on the server it works fine. Is it the only location where I can keep my projects, so there is no way to keep them in a custom location?



Active member

1) For custom toolbar buttons, you would have to manually update the plugin files on your server at the same location under imagerotator folder that came with the plugin.

2) We actually recommend to upload your 360 product spins outside of webrotate plugin folder so they are not auto-deleted upon future (manual) plugin update. Please share a link to a non-working example and we will see what happened.


New member
Thank you for your reply. I reinstalled the plugin and now everything is alright. Seems I accidentally moved something in the plugin folder.

Also I have one more question about multiple Viewer integration on the same page. I found in the manual this line:
Multiple embedded views
Add more than one product view on the same page. This template integrates just two product
views as an example using the same published configuration & images.

As long as the example allows to use only 2 product views on the same page, how can I change this number to more? Is there any parameter in xml-file? Thanks


Active member
Are you still asking about the use with the WordPress plugin as in this case our publishing templates in SpotEditor that you select on the Publish form do not apply? i.e you would simply add several wr360embed shortcodes as needed.


New member
WebSupport said:
Are you still asking about the use with the WordPress plugin as in this case our publishing templates in SpotEditor that you select on the Publish form do not apply? i.e you would simply add several wr360embed shortcodes as needed.
Sorry, for better explanation I've recorded the screen capture of what's going on with multiple embedding.
All of a sudden now even 2 Viewers on the sampe page work incorrectly. First Viewer on the page merges images from both Viewers when another one remains empty. But on a single page everithing is alright.

Shortcodes I'm using both have this structure:
[wr360embed name="view1" config="/spins/360_assets/Mayka_pink1/Mayka_pink1.xml"]

Tham am I missing?
Thank you!


Active member
Ah I see. This should be easy :) please change the name parameter to something else in your other shortcode, e.g view2.