Images reload away


Active member
Hi there, and thanks for getting PRO!

If you web server is not sending HTTP headers to instruct browsers to cache images that might happen. Here's a related thread that shows how to make sure your Apache web server sends correct instructions to the browser. Usually commercial or shared web hosting has it already configured to have the image caching headers on (as it makes your website load much faster for the end user), but sometime it's turned off during the development of a website so that you can always see updated images, etc (and we do that often with our website as there's always something cooking, as per your observation above! :) ) If you are on Microsoft IIS, please let me know and I will send you instructions on how to enabled image caching in your IIS console or in your web.config.


PS: here's a related copy&paste from our user guide (under Troubleshooting): ... Readme.pdf

(1) Image rotation in some browsers (primarily in Google Chrome) may become jerky, slow and unresponsive. If hotspots are present, they will move as if they are detached from the images. This usually happens after a period of user inactivity while a web page with a loaded product view remains open :

This issue is usually caused by disabled image caching inside a web browser as per the HTTP headers received from your web server that force web browsers to not cache any images. Please find more details and a simple solution for Apache servers on our forum in the following link. Microsoft IIS web servers also have similar configuration for client-side caching. Note that JPG & PNG image caching is usually enabled by default by all major web hosting provides. Although it can be manually disabled during website development.


Please let me know if it helps! And if not, please send us a link to your page where you have your webrotate 360 product views embedded and we will investigate. You can also email it to support at webrotate360 dot com.


New member
thank for your quick response but I have tried and check the .htaccess solution but doesn`t fix my issue.
It's run to a Apache server.

I fix my problem to tick option "create an extra set of small fitted images to show page load". I work with full HD images.

I try many others tests and I meet the issue only with images greater than 1280*720 (with option untick).
But I don't know why. Could you explain me please ?


Active member
We're probably talking about different issues then, as it sounds odd I think unless your large high-res images are just too large that they take too much RAM when loaded. Note that all compressed images are shown on screen uncompressed by browsers, etc, so even though your JPG image may be 1mb each (which would be too large for a 360 product image file already by our standards) the uncompressed size is usually much larger.. So if you have a bunch of really large high-res images, when they are loaded and uncompressed they may easily consume a lot of RAM (it will depend on how particular browser will deal with images that are loaded but not visible at the moment as you move from one image to another).

When you select "create an extra set of small fitted images" in SpotEditor, the software creates another set of small images that it auto-sizes to fit into your chosen viewer dimensions exactly and they are the ones loaded on page load (they are usually quite small). The high-res ones are only loaded on demand in this case when user hits zoom or full-screen. So if you don't check the checkbox, the high-res ones are loaded on page load instead, and it's usually not recommended as it's a much slower option.

To see exactly what's going on with your setup though, please send us a live link so we could review and comment.