Installation problems


New member

I have followed your guide on how to install 360 product images. I am using custom view.phtml and media.phtml file and therefore i need to use Ad Hoc version.

Am i correct in understanding that after i have installed module, created new product attribute and pasted in demo data
the 360 viewer is supposed to embed in either ID or class which i have defined in settings?

Hope you are able to help

Kind regards :)


Active member
Hello and thanks for contacting us here! :)

This is correct. The most likely reason you don't see it working though is because your custom design / skin doesn't use the default locations where Magento installs our plugin by default.

You can try copying these files and folders to your current design and skin folders accordingly which should make it all work I think:


If it still doesn't work or you need help with the setup, please send us temp FTP & admin login for your Magento setup to support at webrotate360 dot com, and we will look into it.


New member
Has anyone been able to get the webrotate to work with the new default responsive web design (RWD) of Magento 1.9?

I made some progress by changing the design from the default rwd to default/default where the 360 thumb shows up and pops up the lightbox.

I tried copying the app/design/frontend/default/default... and skin/frontend/default/default/... as noted above to the rwd folder, but then no thumbs at all. If I choose any other design for the product, category, etc. to override the responsive design, it works perfectly and automatically includes the css and js from the default/default ... its only the rwd design that it seems to ignore web360


Active member
Hi, we haven't tried 1.9 with the plugin yet as it was just recently released.

Will be installing 1.9 and will investigate the responsive theme sometime this week or if you would like us to take a quick look into your setup, please share a temp FTP / Admin login for your Magento online. You can send it to support at webrotate360 dot com.