Margin content position


New member

I have a problem in making the distance between the hotspot point and the image content column, I have made a margin to the right with a distance of 50 px, but the distance between the hotspot point and the image content column does not change the distance, even I tried up to 100 px to the right the distance also did not change.

what is the solution?


Staff member
Hi, yes... it may sound conter-intuitive, but you would need to enter the value of the margin for your setup in the opposite margin field of the popup layout greed as per your screenshots. I.e keep it checked on the right, but enter 50 in the field on the left.


Staff member
You can uncheck "Auto-adjust..." on the first tab of the Hotspot form to make the viewer not align the popup to be fully visible, which is what I think you show in the screenshots.


New member
I have done it, and it does change for the position of the pop info display, but the appearance of the shift in the position of the pop up info is still not the same as the display between pc, mac, and mobile.

when I set the pop up display to be in the right corner of the screen, when previewing in the software the display is as I expected (in the right corner of the screen) but after uploading it to pixriot, after clicking the hotspot the display exceeds what is seen on mac (the display on mobile exceeds the display on mac, further to the right it looks and is partially cut off on the mobile screen.


New member
I have successfully done it, by changing the hotspot settings, render as in fixed position then in the margin section click the far right, and the result is that the pop up is at the far right whether it is displayed on a pc, mac or mobile.

but there is something a little disturbing when the display appears, if we look using a mobile phone, when we click the vertical position then the display is indeed on the far right of the screen, but if we flip the mobile position to a horizontal position then the pop up display is at the bottom of the mobile screen, I have tried it but it can be overcome by refreshing the pixriot link then the horizontal version of the pop up display is on the far right.

can it be overcome automatically the pop up display without having to refresh the link?.


New member
Still waiting for the answer of the question about showing pop up with different size and position on mobile, until refresh the pixriot link when move from horizontal to vertical and the opposite way then we got the right one pop up show up


Staff member
One solution could be to listen for orientation change events like this and reload viewer at the same frame (it will be pretty much instant):

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function() {
    __viewerApi.reload('your-view.xml', null, null, __viewerApi.images.getCurrentImageIndex());

If you are using PixRiot and are on a paid plan, we can configure a custom domain for your PixRiot URLs which would allow us to add such customization for your account.


Staff member
Great, you can request a custom domain setup as per attached screenshot if you would like, or we can simply setup a sub-domain, e.g

Please note that you will need to update PixRiot URLs you are using in the iFrames to see the customization (the old ones will still work as before).
