Multiple versions on same page


Active member
Hi there. This sample you referenced is included with our free 360 viewer download under Samples. The main idea is to call _imageRotator.reload with a path to another XML configuration file. So you would add your image thumbnails or links for other products on the same page then call _imageRotator.reload inside the click handler for corresponding thumb / link. Here's a short extract from our doc:

If you need to dynamically reload the viewer on the same page with different images without refreshing / reloading the page, you can do this by calling this JavaScript method and passing a new configuration URL and optionally rootPath if required.

_imageRotator.reload ("360_assets/NewProduct/config.xml"); or
_imageRotator.reload ("NewProduct/config.xml", "http:/CDN/360/NewProduct");

PS: We're almost ready to release our new version where multiple viewer boxes can be presented on the same page (which is not the same as above where there's just one viewer on the page). This feature will not be available with the free version unfortunately, but I think you are one of our PRO clients so please ping us on support at webrotate 360 dot com if you would like to get beta of the new release.