Produkt Varianten


New member
Hi !
How i can add some Variants to my products?
I have a Shirts in some colors, but i can only setup one 360 rotate image.
Works the WebRotate 360 only with one produkt variant?


Active member
Hi there! Out-of-the-box our WooCommerce extension doesn't support variations yet. Are you asking about WooCommerce variations specifically?


New member
Complain about my late reply. Yes I use Wordpress WooCommerce and would like to use your product. But the plugin doesn't help me without product variations.I need a shirt in different colors. Is there no way?


Active member
Our WP plugin exposes 360 product viewer API (programming interface) so technically your theme developer can integrate variations with the viewer such that the a color change for example can trigger viewer's "reload" API with a different 360 view. It can get a bit involved though...


New member
I am a little confused. Their plugin was developed for WooCommerce. Do not see any together with the theme. Or do I get it wrong? It's a shame because your product is really a good thing. But apparently not suitable for me: _ (