Publish Project not Working only show Loading


New member
Hiii Web Rotate,

I am using Spot Editor Download version from your website, i have setup my project images in software.
this is smoothly working in software but not working when am publish project on google chrome only show the loading image lod or load.


Active member
Hi Durgesh,

The issue with Chrome (and Opera) is known and is described in our user guide on page 34 at the top and page 14 as well (here's a related post on our blog).

Basically, it's only a local issue while you are testing 360 views on your computer, i.e launching your tests from your hard-drive in your local browser. Google Chrome has more security restrictions when these tests are done locally and a solution is available as per the links above.

Version 3.5 of SpotEditor (Windows version) removes Chrome's security restriction temporarily on-the-fly so Chrome previews in SpotEditor will work fine as long as you close all Chrome windows that were not opened by our software before publishing & previewing in SpotEditor (i.e SpotEditor has to launch the first Chrome window and initialize it with a special flag described in the blog, which you can also apply manually).

In any case, once the published files are uploaded online, or if you have a local web server, it will work fine in all modern browsers.