Reloading with javascript


New member
I'd like to have the user click a button, place the rotator element in the DOM, using jQuery or something, and then load the Rotator.

I have an image gallery that will have rotators placed among images. The user will click a thumbnail and either an image or Rotator will load above it.

Assuming I have already initialized the rotator on an element when the page loads, gotten rid of it by loading another image, and then need to load the rotator again....

How should I go about doing this?


Active member
Hi there,

I would just try re-attaching it to a new DOM element with your other xml, i.e:

	configFileURL: '360_assets/productX/productX.xml',
	graphicsPath: 'imagerotator/html/img/basic',

Or did you try this already?


New member
Thanks for the response :)

I've tried to do the following:
var newRotator = $('<div id="wr360PlayerId" class="wr360_player" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></div>');
	configFileURL: _absolute_url+'images/360_assets/productX/productX.xml',
	graphicsPath: _absolute_url+'scripts/imagerotator/html/img/basic',

The $("#old-image-element") element get replaced but is never actually filled with the container & images as it should be when initialized. I have verified that the xml path is correct, and I don't get any other errors in the console.

Am I missing anything obvious?


Active member
I see. Please try changing wr360PlayerId to something else every time you attach a new rotator (i.e wr360PlayerId2, etc, as I think we create a unique DOM tree based on this ID / name and it's cached in some array and potentially conflicting if the same id is used twice.. if this doesn't help, please give us a day or so and we will post a working sample.


New member
Yes this does not work either. I tried to use new ids by incrementing a counter each time.
So when I tried to create a new div with an id of wr360PlayerId_2, then called runImageRotator() on it as well as using your previous example of prdImage.rotator().

Neither attempt worked.

Please let me know if I can be of further help here.


Active member

This piece of code seems to work fine "out of the box". Does this help?

<! --- includes and styles --->

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function waitDestroyAndAttachNew(){
		// Wait two seconds just to show that the first instance was loaded fine,
		// and then remove it from DOM.
		// Wait some more just so that we see the empty content before loading the second instance.
			// Append new empty viewer container.
			jQuery('#content').append('<div id="wr360PlayerId2" class="wr360_player"></div>');
			// Attach the second viewer instance to the new container.
				configFileURL: '360_assets/apitest/apitest.xml',
				graphicsPath: 'imagerotator/html/img/basic',
		}, 2000);

	// Add the first empty viewer container.
	jQuery('#content').append('<div id="wr360PlayerId" class="wr360_player"></div>');
	// Attach the first viewer instance and wait for the API callback
	// that signals that the viewer was completely loaded.
		configFileURL: '360_assets/apitest/apitest.xml',
		graphicsPath: 'imagerotator/html/img/basic',
		apiReadyCallback: function(api){waitDestroyAndAttachNew();}


    <div class="responsive-wrapper-demo-do-not-copy" style="max-width:600px;padding:30px;">    
        <div id="content">


New member
I'm not entirely sure the exact difference between what you guys have and what I had, but I was able to use your code as a basis and widdle it down to the bare necessities of what I needed.

Long story short... works! Thank you!


New member

Jumping on this topic. Is there a (undocumented) way to destroy the viewer object completely?

Removing it from the DOM still leave a lot of API object on the memory heap. I would like to dynamically create a instance and destroy it again if out of use. But this will leave lots of stuff on the heap.

The current solution is to hide the viewer in the DOM and reuse it with "reload".

But it would be way cleaner to initiate and destroy it as need.



Active member
Hi Florian,

Yes, we have been asked about this before and it makes perfect sense indeed..

We will play with one approach for a graceful API cleanup in the next few days and will send you an example via email asap as it's completely undocumented for the time being :cool: If it works well, we will include a "cleanup" API call into the coming release.


Active member
Yes, there were a few issues with the "undocumented" cleanup call I mentioned. We'll see if this is something we can resolve quickly.. so far it proved to be difficult as we have lot of backwards compatibility requirements in the code that is hard to let go in the current version. Will let you know if / when it's fixed asap.


New member
I have one 360 viewer on my page, but my users can click on thumbnails to load other 360 viewers. I'm having problems getting subsequent 360 viewers to render.

Unfortunately the snippet posted by WebSupport (on Mar 01, 2015) doesn't work for me. The first rotator displays successfully, it is then removed, but then when the second rotator is added all I get is a progress bar. Looking at my network traffic I see there is no request for the second config file. In console I have two lines of:

13:05:48.447 INFO Powered by WebRotate 360 © ~ v3.5 (build
13:05:53.101 INFO Powered by WebRotate 360 © ~ v3.5 (build

So it is initialising, but just not fetching/displaying the images.

I've spent four or five hours trying various things, including trying to create a variable:

var ir2 = new WR360.ImageRotator.Create("wr360PlayerId2");
ir1.settings.graphicsPath = "imagerotator/html/img/basic";
ir2.settings.configFileURL = "your-other-xml-path";
ir2.licenseFileURL = "include/license.lic";

But this also doesn't work - with this I don't even get a progress bar. I've also tried creating a global variable of WR360.ImageRotator, and tried


But also to no avail.

I'm just really confused why the snippet provided by WebSupport works for other people but not in my case...

I'm using the latest JS of webrotate.

Any help would be gratefully received