SharedViews Wordpress FullScreen Problem


New member
Hi, I found a small bug with the integration of Sharedviews.
By entering the code it generates, it works as it should.
The Fullscreen despite being implemented through xml (spoteditor) it does not work on the generated code.
If I insert a folder inside my site and use the code

<pre>[wr360embed name="Ferrarelle" width="100%" fixedwidth="338" fixedheight="470" config="/wp-content/plugins/webrotate-360-product-viewer/360_assets/Ferrarelle/ferrarelle.xml"]</pre>

It all works perfectly, on my website, also full screen works fine.

Instead, using the same folder, and putting it into Sharedviews to create the code to clients, the file works perfectly, but in this case the full screen by clicking above, does not open anything.

Below the code

<iframe src="" width="500" height="500" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


Active member
Hi there! Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, due to various web browser restrictions it's not possible to implement full-screen with javascript when the 360 product viewer runs inside an iframe like what happens with the sharedviews script / your sample. You can possibly hide the full-screen button for your shared views for now while we're investigating a solution for it.