Updating only non-graphic files for PixRiot?


New member
Is there an option to upload only the non-graphic files? I am using large graphics and it's taking over a minute to upload just one because of the large images.


Active member
There's no way currently to re-upload the same project while skipping the images. It would be a great feature though... let us noodle on this :)


New member
You could:
1. have the dev that wanted to do this delete the images folder after publishing, then upload to PixRiot as normal. Only overwrite the files that exist. It would be the responsibility of the dev to re-publish the project to create and copy the image files again.
2. leverage the "upload online" dialog to post directly to PixRiot. You could save the PixRiot login information to authenticate, then use a master FTP account to access it behind the scenes. Leaving the "skip images" checkbox checked would then apply and only upload non-image files


Active member
All good ideas. What do you think if we show a dialog upon dropping assets in PixrRiot with an option to skip images?


New member
Oh that is even better! I didn't know how much control you had over the drop event.Yeah that would be awesome! Have a small summary of the upload if its easily available maybe?

You are about to upload
32 projects consisting of 2304 images (8.4GB)

[ ] skip image files


That would be awesome. You may need some check when it tries to thumbnail the project to see if it has the xml files but no image directory, to show like an "incomplete" project icon or something.

Over the next few weeks I will be updating thousands of hot spots spread over 200 spins, so I would use this a LOT. huge bandwidth saver.


Active member
Good point about the validation...

Can't wait for more ideas and suggestions! You are very helpful :cool: Thank you.


Active member
This is done and released :) We would still re-upload any hotspot images (i.e hotspot's Image Content, if present) as they can still be modified even when the main 360 product images are not affected but otherwise, it looks great I think.
