please help me on the following issue:
I installed WebRotate on http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route ... n_id=11377 for my Test-Opencart on XAMMP.
I did it by copying files from WebRotate to Opencart with the same file structure they have in WebRotate Package.
Then I installed vQmod at http://code.google.com/p/vQmod/downloads/list and placed the two .xml files in WebRotate root Package to vQmod/xml order.
I then enabled the Extension on my Admin Panel and in my Test Product and set the Test URL relatively for it:
/360assets/sampleshoe/config.xml. The Test Product shows Loading-Sign but no picture appears (even no standard picture).
Even when I set in Browser the URL
http://localhost/opencart/360assets/sam ... config.xml,
I get no WebRotate Shoe Demo, but, instead, following message:
"Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verknüpft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt" - means: "No styles seem to be connected with this file, hier ist the tree of the document".
The Document is then shown as Text in Browser.
Can You please tell me where I am wrong? I tried in Firefox and Chrome..
Thank you in advance,
please help me on the following issue:
I installed WebRotate on http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route ... n_id=11377 for my Test-Opencart on XAMMP.
I did it by copying files from WebRotate to Opencart with the same file structure they have in WebRotate Package.
Then I installed vQmod at http://code.google.com/p/vQmod/downloads/list and placed the two .xml files in WebRotate root Package to vQmod/xml order.
I then enabled the Extension on my Admin Panel and in my Test Product and set the Test URL relatively for it:
/360assets/sampleshoe/config.xml. The Test Product shows Loading-Sign but no picture appears (even no standard picture).
Even when I set in Browser the URL
http://localhost/opencart/360assets/sam ... config.xml,
I get no WebRotate Shoe Demo, but, instead, following message:
"Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verknüpft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt" - means: "No styles seem to be connected with this file, hier ist the tree of the document".
The Document is then shown as Text in Browser.
Can You please tell me where I am wrong? I tried in Firefox and Chrome..
Thank you in advance,