Hi there, we currently don't have this capability but would like to explore a possible solution we reviewed recently. Would you mind sharing your sample 360 product images via support at webrotate 360 dot com so we can test them?
Hi Kelsey, we haven't heard of this one but there're a few cheap options on Amazon or eBay if you search for "60cm Motorized Turntable".
It looks like as long as there's a product in a cart (even if you refresh the page) it falls back to your theme's product template that can't work with our WooCommerce extension. May be a good idea to check with the theme developer to see why the product template reverts when product is in a cart.
I think it should be possible using rows. One row would be the intro and once it plays to a label (last frame in the intro row) on landing it can auto trigger an invisible hotspot that will trigger jumping to a label in the second row. You can disable vertical drag via Y-axis sensitivity slider...
Let me rephrase. Can you replace the default gallery widget on the product page with the WebRotate 360 Gallery widget that should be available in the Elementor form builder on the left side?
Can you confirm you have followed the instructions in step 3 in my link above? ...as if it was followed and it's a single page template, the gallery would have been completely different on this page: http://ams000y6.beget.tech/product/zont-smart-2-0/
Please see if bullet #3 helps:
WebRotate 360 Product Viewer 5.2.22 Release
[+] Full-finger gesture control on touch-screen devices.
[!] Fixed canceling full-screen view while loading high-res images in full-screen.
[!] Fixed full-screen button that was partially visible in zoom_light and zoom_dark skins when inside iFrames...
Thanks for the details. It looks like you are inserting Standalone URL into the hyperlink field. But for "reload" to work, it needs to be .xml (Config URL) that you get in PixRiot as per this screenshot. Please update accordingly.
PS: when you re-upload and reset cache in PixRiot, to test you...
Are you on a paid PixRiot plan? As it allows clearing the cache (see under Cache Reset here), so every time you re-upload the same 360 view to PixRiot you can ignore the &t=time parameter at the end of the "share" URL, i.e. you could simply remove the &t= from your hotspot hyperlinks.
PS: the...
Hi there! There're two options:
1. Reload a 360 view with a different color using a hotspot Hyperlink action.
- See page 26 in our user guide under Hypelink and Reload action.
2. Reload a 360 view with a different color using API.
- See template_configurator.html in our integration templates...
Apologies for the late reply, Mike! Please consider this approach instead which is also a Prestashop store with a custom gallery:
I.e. add an extra image element next to the gallery with 360 graphic and attach webrotate's popup mode to it. The...