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  1. L

    Virtuemart +

    OPS ... yes, I forgot that WebSupport actually fixed the jQuery conflict ... :( sorry :)
  2. L

    Virtuemart +

    we also use SuperMart and there is no any problem
  3. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    If you make a new project and after that if you close the project and delete the new project directory (because some mistakes have made :) ) the SpotEditor give this unhandled exception code: See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this...
  4. L

    Feature request

    4. Feature request for the viewer: It would be just cool when looking the product in the viewer, and if somebody double clicks on it the ZOOM to be centred not on the centre of the Image as it's now, but on the point of the click. :)
  5. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    Just to report another bug in latest SpotEditor If you select Images / Rows / Skip frames and also you have activated Control / Rotate once then, after the page load the viewer rotates the Images not to the END, but it skips exactly the same number of skipped frames which you have set...
  6. L

    Hikashop support...

    thank you! as always perfect support!!!
  7. L

    Feature request

    3. Feature request: The ability to Import only the hotspots from a existing project
  8. L

    Feature request

    1. Feature request: Custom Keyboard shortcuts: 1.1 Object rotation Left / Right 1.2 Image / Tools / Path tools / Apply path to image - if you have some path which have to be used only on part of the images it will be much much easier to rotate the image with a keyboard shortcut and to apply the...
  9. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    Yes, If I change the maximum value in c:\Users\UserName\Application Data\SpotEditor\appConfig.xml to 3456 and use the Image optimisation Option from the beginning everything works just perfect with bigger images, but if I don't use the Optimization then I receive the Out of memory error despite...
  10. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    Thank you very much for the feedback, you are right, I didn't used this option when imported the Images.
  11. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    few more bugs in 3.6-beta 1. If I check on Control / Rotation / Set current Images as first and after that click on Save I receive this Unhandled exception error: See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. **************...
  12. L

    Hikashop support...

    I tested it and actually it's not working ... strange the webrotate360 is a Joomla Content plugin ... waterproof
  13. L

    Hikashop support...

    Have you read this topic here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=451&start=20#p1303 Maybe you just have to edit your plugin source webrotate360.php at row 38 and it will work with your component :) if ($parts[0] !== "com_content" && $parts[0] !== "mod_k2_content" && $parts[0] !== "com_k2" && $parts[0] !==...
  14. L

    Hikashop support...

    NO :) I mean:"the 360 objects CAN be shown in the Virtuemart product description" Only ... But Not on the place of the product images in VirtueMart or as a 360 degree Icon positioned on the place on one of the Image thumbnails and etc where there normal are the product images Here is a sample...
  15. L

    Hikashop support...

    Still there is no right Virtuemart support ... the 360 objects can be shown in the Virtuemart product description, as in any other Joomla content component
  16. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    Thank you for the information! Where I can find the new PRO version? Via the regular download link from the web site or? :)
  17. L

    Virtuemart +

    yes, you have got full access to the test site already, please fix it. :)
  18. L

    2 SpotEditor bugs

    Hello, recently I have found 2 SpotEditor bugs: 1. Copy the settings and hotspots from a existing project: If in the existing project directory I don't have this folders already: resources images/spots the SpotEditor exits with a error and the settings / hotspots aren't copied. If I create...
  19. L

    Virtuemart +

    Hello, I have a urgent problem with WebRotate 360 plugin for Joomla and Virtuemart integration. I have activated the plugin to work in Virtuemart description as described here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=451&start=20 the plugin is working just perfectly, but my template Virtuemart functionality...
  20. L

    Plugin in K2 content

    Thank you very much! It's working now :) Just have one more problem - the full screen in popup / gallery mode isn't working.