Draft view only


New member
I don't know what section I should put this topic in because of the problem I am facing. I want to customize the template. I care about creating the possibility to choose the color of the product. I am using wordpress + elementor. I used template_configurator.html available on webrotate360. Using CSS, I added the ability to choose the color.

My error is shown in the video, namely when I am in edit mode (I haven't published the page yet) the display of the model is fine while as soon as I click "publish" and open the page my model doesn't display. I should add that I have the PRO version.

Here is a video showing the problem:


Staff member
Hi Beiga, it appears you are inserting the entire content of the template_configurator.html file including the <html> tag, etc. This is likely causing the issue. Have you customized template_configurator.html? If so, please share the file so we can advise what to copy into your elementor block.

PS: thanks for sharing the video. It really helps!


New member
I gave up on the template and instead created HOTSPOT with a color change. This is a working version so far. I have two problems.

The first is the gray background behind one of my images (where I change colors). Interesting because both images are .png and have a 100% transparent background.

The other problem is I would like that when I change the color the webrotator does not go back to image number 1 only that the color change happens on the image I am currently in. I have read that it is possible to create this with API but I will admit that the documentation about API is not very clear to me so maybe you can help me (guide me) how I can do this with wordpress + elementor. In private message I will send you a link to the page where the model is available, which is in draft.