Hotspot issue IE


New member
Hey, I have a problem with my hotspots in IE. The buttons show up, but when hovering they show up very short and disappear again.

What can this be? How can I solve the problem?



Active member
Hi! Please include a link to your sample so we could see the issue and try to help.

PS: hot-spot and rollovers in all of our demos / test 360 views work fine in IE8 - IE11 so I suspect it's related to your html markup in the rollovers (as I saw your other samples before where you used html markup in your hot-spot rollover content).


Active member
Hi and apologies as looks like we never looked into your setup that you shared after the livechat. Will do today and confirm.

PS: the issue reported by lukme above was due to his hotspot markup containing html tags for <html><body>, etc as if it was a whole web page inside a hotspot (which should have been just a div or similar) so IE would fail to parse it in any logical way so it was breaking there.