Hi there! I'm not sure I understand exactly. The hot-spot positioning is designed in such way that you pick a detail on your product that you would like to highlight with a hot-spot inside your 360 view and then you trace this detail by moving from image to image in SpotEditor and manually placing a hot-spot position on the detail accordingly.
This is pretty much the only way you can do a well balanced hot-spot movement that follows your product (i.e selected detail) exactly. Such product details / parts do not move in perfect circles when you do 360 product photography or render the images in 3D CAD. They have a tendency to slightly wobble or move on asymmetrical elliptical path relative to the center of your rotation that is aligned with a camera. Also when you do 360 product photography, there often can be a slight change in the angle step during rotation so your product detail can sort of speed up or slow down as you go through your images.
PS: the other option we considered before was image recognition
such that we can actually identify a product detail selected on one of your 360 product images and then automatically position a hot-spot in SpotEditor by trying to find the same image pattern on the remaining images via image recognition techniques. Though this will not produce consistent results and will be slow and inaccurate in most cases so for now it's not on the list.